To help you prepare for your submission, here is the information you will need to include:

  1. Presenter details
    • Name, job title, email address, organization, work address, brief biography (300 characters, including spaces)
  2. Session type: Single presenter, co-presenter, panel
  3. Co-presenter/Panelist details
    • Name, job title, email address, organization, work address, brief biography (300 characters, including spaces)
  4. Session title
  5. Short abstract (300 characters, including spaces)
  6. Long abstract (1,200 characters, including spaces)
  7. Submission track
  8. Technical level of session
    • Business Focus: Sessions focus on the strategy and/or business aspects of security solutions, approaches, or implementation.
    • Technical: Sessions range from base knowledge and progress to solid foundational skills for front-line professionals.
    • Advanced Technical: Sessions dive deeper into security concepts or architecture. Outlining pre-requisites in knowledge required to get the most out of these sessions. (By selecting advanced this means the attendee must meet some prerequisite requirements which you will describe in your session abstract.)


  • All sessions are 45 minutes.
  • mWISE Conference does not accept product or vendor-related pitches. Speakers must adhere to the 100% vendor neutral/no commercial policy of the mWISE Conference. If speakers cannot respect this policy, they should not submit a proposal. Demos (videos) are not supported.
  • The mWISE Conference Program Committee will review all submissions, and decisions on submissions are final.
  • Submission of a proposal is no guarantee that a proposal will be accepted. Proposals will be judged on their topic and description, its relevance to the event and audience, and the speaker(s) qualifications, regardless of whether the proposal is from a Mandiant/Google employee, partner, customer and/or other industry professional.