Subject: Approval to attend mWISE Conference 2024

Dear <Insert name>,

Mandiant Worldwide Information Security Exchange (mWISE) Conference takes place <Choose in Denver, CO. or onlineSeptember 18 & 19, 2024, offering learning and networking opportunities with security industry leaders and practitioners, and I’m seeking approval to attend.

Attendance will provide me the opportunity to:

  • Hear from security thought leaders like Kevin Mandia on the keynote stage.
  • Be part of over 70 sessions on critical challenges and issues facing the security industry today. Topics include cloud security, intelligence, security engineering, and third party and cyber risk management.
  • Meet, see demos and discuss solutions with key suppliers who can assist with implementation and development.
  • Networking and learn with peers and industry leaders.
  • Maintain my security accreditation by receiving continuing education credits through class sessions

The approximate cost to attend is $XX. Here’s a pricing breakdown <Adjust as appropriate>:

  • Conference pass $XX <Adjust as appropriate>
  • Travel: $XX <Adjust as appropriate>
  • Accommodations: $XX <Adjust as appropriate>
  • Meals: $XX <Adjust as appropriate>

    We all know that the threat landscape is changing, and the pace and complexity of change continues to accelerate. Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report noted Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks have almost doubled across our entire incident dataset, and represent more than 50% of incidents within the Social Engineering pattern. 74% of all breaches include a human element, with people being involved either via error, privilege misuse, use of stolen credentials or social engineering. 83% of breaches involved external actors, and the primary motivation for attacks continues to be overwhelmingly financially driven—about 95%. In consideration of all of these statistics, it’s important to keep abreast of new developments and best practices and to build relationships so we can learn from our industry peers.

    When I return, I can create a road trip report to share with the team, including key findings, insights, and new ideas. Additionally, I will secure continuing education credits to maintain my active status with the professional organizations I belong to.

    To get the best available rate, I need to register by <x date>. Please let me know if you have any questions or wish to discuss.

    Thank you,

    <Add closing and signature>