The Data Must Flow: An Analyst-First Perspective on the Next Age for SOCs

As data flowing into security operations centers has exponentially increased, analysts are increasingly tasked with scaling far beyond the level their tools and organizational design allow. With the era of "new" AI at our doorstep, we risk further burying our SOC analysts in more and more "data" to sift through. In an effort to combat this, we'll attempt to layout an analyst-first perspective for the new SOC that must rise to meet this challenge - one in which the human behind the analysis is the fulcrum for this new AI-assisted leverage, rather than an inconvenience to be replaced. To accomplish this, we focus our attention and technology on amplifying the core work products of analysts while using automation to drive the machine - ensuring that every piece of analysis flows back into the system, lightening the load for future analysts and establishing an institutional "SOC memory" which new analysts can seamlessly leverage in their daily efforts.