The Cloud Security Paradox: Secure Cloud, Insecure Use?

The cloud is secure, right? Well, yes and no. Cloud providers invest heavily in security, largely exceeding what most organizations can achieve on their own. Yet, headlines scream of cloud breaches and leaks. What gives? The truth is, cloud security isn't merely a shared responsibility; it's a shared opportunity. The "customer's fault" narrative is too simplistic. It's not just about misconfigurations (though those are a major problem). It's about a fundamental disconnect between the cloud's potential for security and the realities of how organizations use it. In this talk, we'll dive into this paradox. We'll explore:

  • The Myth of "Set It and Forget It": Why cloud security requires ongoing vigilance and adaptation, not just ticking boxes.
  • The Shared Responsibility Model and Shared Fate: What you're truly responsible for, where the cloud provider steps in, and where you have to work together.
  • Secure by Design, Insecure by Default?: How to leverage cloud-native security features and avoid common misconfigurations.