Threat Hunting in the Age of AI: Proactive Defense Against Emerging Risks

We'll delve into the critical intersection of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. AI is revolutionizing industries, but it also introduces new attack surfaces and vulnerabilities that traditional security measures may not fully address. We'll explore how proactive threat hunting can be a powerful tool in identifying and mitigating AI-related risks. This session will cover: The Evolving Threat Landscape: An overview of the latest AI-driven threats, including prompt injection, adversarial attacks, data poisoning, and the unique challenges they pose to security teams. Threat Hunting Fundamentals: A refresher on the core principles of threat hunting, its methodologies, and how it differs from traditional reactive security approaches. AI-Specific Threat Hunting Techniques: Identifying anomalies and suspicious patterns in AI model behavior. Detecting unauthorized access or manipulation of AI training data. Monitoring for signs of adversarial attacks, such as model evasion or poisoning. Practical Tools and Strategies: A look at the tools and technologies that can aid in AI threat hunting, including log analysis, machine learning algorithms, and threat intelligence platforms.