Knock Knock... Who's There? Threat Actors! Real-World Case Studies in Cyber Defense

Cyberattacks are now an inevitability, with Threat Actors targeting organizations of all sizes and sophistication. This presentation confronts this reality, focusing on proactive defense strategies against these relentless threats. This presentation will go through real-world case studies, to dissect recent breaches and close calls, and what the defenders had to do in order to detect, respond and protect the organization. The presentation goes beyond threat identification; it showcases successful real-world defense strategies, offering practical approaches to mitigate risks, detect anomalies, and respond dynamically to attacks. Topics covered include threat intelligence sharing, incident response protocols, and fostering a security-conscious culture all the way to the board level. By showcasing organizations that have successfully defended against cyberattacks, the presentation inspires confidence and provides a roadmap for building resilient cybersecurity frameworks in todays rapidly changing environment