Versus Killnet

The infamous Russian hacktivist group, Killnet, operated as a rabid cyber army, orchestrated by a select few to create chaos and inflict harm. Despite its notoriety, investigating the true operators behind Killnet proved to be a significant challenge, given its checkered history and inconsistent behavior. However, through an in-depth investigation and direct confrontation with the gang, we shed the veil of secrecy shrouding the group and will share a compelling personal account detailing how we disrupted Killnet, plunging it into a death spiral. Our strategy to dismantle this cyber army hinged on identifying a critical vulnerability – its connection to the Russian illegal drug marketplace - Solaris. By exposing this nefarious link and diverting proceeds from the Russian drug operation to support a Ukrainian charity, we triggered widespread questioning of Killnet's leadership and actions. This created an instability and within the group and beyond, ultimately leading to loss of support of the Russian government and breaking of financial ties. As of the beginning of this year, Killnet changed drastically, leaving behind remnants of a group once synonymous with disruptive hacktivism.