The SIEM Isn't Dead: Comparing SIEMs and Data Lakes in Modern Cybersecurity

In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated, the need for security data collection and monitoring remains vital, but the SecOps landscape is evolving. This session offers a real and honest discussion about these shifting paradigms. We’ll delve into the strengths and weaknesses of SIEMs and data lakes, foundational components upon which your workflows are built, then cut through the marketing noise to explore how AI/ML are transforming SecOps, enhancing threat detection, and response capabilities. We'll provide insights into where these technologies are headed and how to position your organization today to take full advantage of them in the future. The road to modernization is fraught with challenges. For those considering a SIEM or data lake migration, we’ll discuss common pitfalls and effective strategies to navigate this complex process. Attendees will walk away with a clear understanding of how to evaluate and choose the best solution for their organization's specific needs, whether it's a traditional SIEM, data lake, or hybrid approach. Step confidently into the next generation of cybersecurity with the tools and insights to outsmart evolving threats.